Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Final Preparations... Pray, Pray, Pray

The first part of our team left for Thailand today. Please pray for Larry & On as they travel. They will begin the groundwork logistics necessary for our work while there. Also, continue to pray that God would prepare the hearts of those we come in contact with next week, as well as, our own that God would do His work in us and that we would receive whatever comes our way with joy.

We have already begun to see some resistance and interferences before we have even left. Our pastor and team leader, made a quick run with our youth and others to do a short missions construction project on a new orphanage in Mexico. He had to be flown back due to a severe stomach bug he was getting before he left. Pray for his strength to return to make the flight on Monday. We have seen political turmoil in Bangkok that shut down the airport we fly in to. Prayers went up and that is history, but me thinks that our trip will yield much fruit or the enemy wouldn't be working so hard to thwart us.

One more thing, please pray for our exchange student from Thailand. Polly got word from her mom that her grandmother was sick. She over-medicated herself and is now in the hospital. Perhaps our team can connect with her and minister to her while passing through Bangkok.

I have begun my mental preparation for packing and such, and find myself a little anxious mostly about the flight itself. It will be the longest flight I have ever made. almost 24 hours in air-- yuck. The rest of the trip I have little or no concern about... I am guessing mostly because I know so little, I don't even know what to "worry" about. In this case, ignorance is bliss. This will also be the longest I have been away from my family, I know I will miss them dearly, perhaps I can do some creative packing?

I am taking my laptop, so I will try to post often... assuming I will have Internet access. I may have to post several days at one time. Ah, yet another unknown... Thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Quick Isaan Facts of Interest

Thought you might like to get to know the people you are praying for a little more. I gleaned these tidbits from the IMB missionary's newsletter:

a. 18 million Isaan people , less than .5% Christian (mostly folk Buddhist)

b. Over 80% of Isaan are rural farmers, and Isaan is the poorest region of Thailand. While more of the Isaan in the cities are university educated, they along with most Isaan would rather learn orally as opposed to study something from a book. Pray for wisdom and workers to start multiplying Isaan churches.

c. The American military flew their bombing raids from air force bases in the Isaan region during the Vietnam War. Americans are still respected by Isaan/Thailand because of this.

As our team has met this month, we continue to discuss the challenge of sharing the gospel with a predominately oral learning / story-telling culture. Please pray that as we continue to prepare the wordless gospel skits, that our actions will be clearly understood. Please pray that God will prepare the hearts of those we will be with. Right now in the midst of much political angst, God has been harvesting many souls within this people.

One final note, thanks to God and His generous people, the funds I need have been provided. Thank you!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Setting Our Sights

This afternoon we completed our second team meeting. Our focus in this meeting was on drama. Part of our work will include the Hope video. It will be in Thai and starts people from the beginning. Most Thai people, including the Isaan, have no concept of a creator God nor of sin which separates us from Him. So, part of the task in effectively communicating the gospel must start at the beginning. To further illustrate these truths, we will do short skits, with as few spoken words as possible to further drive home the main points of the video. We have to keep it simple and upbeat, and that shouldn't be a problem with this crew.

Our team consists of myself, my pastor (Guy), 3 women (Mary, Robin, and Rita), plus the couple (Larry & On) with whom our primary contact originates in this village. We had many laughs as we are being formed into a thespian crew... not. However, it is neat seeing how God has brought all these people of different ages and backgrounds together with a common goal... to reach the Isaan. It is in setting our sights on the same thing, that God is drawing our hearts together. Jesus prayed for His disciples and for us that we may be one. That is my prayer this month that God would continue to make us one. Please join me in this. Also, this past month has brought much rejoicing in how God continues to provide for mine and the others way. I have almost reached my target, and know God will supply our my needs according to His riches in Glory.

Monday, August 18, 2008

New Total

My secretary gave me an update on total given... WOW! So I updated my funds raised. God is awesome! Thank you!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Blessings and Prayers...

WOW!! I have already begun to receive the blessings from some of you offering financial assistance to make this trip possible. Thank you so much! May God richly bless you for your generosity. Once I get a current total, I will update the figures shown. I will continue to trust God for His provision. I have to say that asking people for help is never easy. But a friend recommended that I look at this in different perspective-- ask people to pray for you, and let God lead those who want to help financially. I chose people that I knew would commit to praying for me. So, I did, and God is blessing!

I, also, wanted to give you an update on what our recent missions team discussed this past weekend. In addition to covering some itinerary items, we also began dialogue about how to effectively follow up with new believers on this trip. There are cultural and other considerations so we need God's wisdom to be able to handle the response to the gospel. As you probably know we are called to make followers of Christ, not converts. So, please pray that we follow God's direction in this aspect of the trip. Also, the Pastor and I are responsible for putting together some dramas to aid in the communication of the gospel since there is a significant language barrier. So, specific prayer for that as well is appreciated.

I will update you more later.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

How Did I Get Here?

A trip like this will come as a surprise to many of you who know me. In some ways, it is to me, but I think this will only be a step on a journey that is still to come. God has been in the process of moving me out of my comfort zone. For me, this is WAY out of my comfort zone, but I am beginning to realize, that although this may be a big step now, in the grand scheme of things, He has even bigger things in mind.

God has been teaching me that if I really want to please Him, it will require faith. In Hebrews 11, the author gives a litany of those who pleased God by trusting Him, and in the midst of this list, he says this, "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." (11:6) I am realizing that I have become more concerned about pleasing man (including myself) than I am pleasing God. Genuine faith demands action. I cannot tell you that I am unafraid, because I am scared to death. There is so much unknown that will happen. But I can also say, there is a peace that passes all understanding that comes only when you are walking in obedience. I am trusting in the Lord for His provision, and I am excited to see how He is going to work in and through me. He is the one that has brought me to this place, and I am confident that He will lead me on to where He wants me to be.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Welcome Aboard!

For some of you, this is my second web log (or BLOG). My first blog, Lifesong Notes, is mostly a time to share things that God is teaching me or fun stuff I run across. This blog, hoever, has a specific purpose in mind, that is, I want to keep those who are commiting to pray for and support me on my mission trip to Thailand. This trip will take place in January 4-17, 2009. I will be joining a team of 8-10 folks from our church in North Texas to reach out to a specific group of people in northern Thailand with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Along the way, I will introduce you to folks traveling with me and share some of the things we are praying for with an invitation to you to join with us in preparing for this journey to see God do amazing things in the lives of these people. I will try to give you tidbits of info about these people and what the culture is like as I learn it. And of course when the trip comes I will try to post a journal of our activities.

Right now here are my prayer requests:
  1. Pray for the Isaan people that their hearts will be ready for seeds to be sown and harvested.
  2. Pray that God will provide each member of the team the thousands of dollars it will take for us to reach this land.
  3. Pray that God will bind our team's hearts together with a burden for these people.
Thank you so much for coming along on my journey. I will try to post at least once a month, probably more. We covet your prayers!