Saturday, October 25, 2008

Quick Isaan Facts of Interest

Thought you might like to get to know the people you are praying for a little more. I gleaned these tidbits from the IMB missionary's newsletter:

a. 18 million Isaan people , less than .5% Christian (mostly folk Buddhist)

b. Over 80% of Isaan are rural farmers, and Isaan is the poorest region of Thailand. While more of the Isaan in the cities are university educated, they along with most Isaan would rather learn orally as opposed to study something from a book. Pray for wisdom and workers to start multiplying Isaan churches.

c. The American military flew their bombing raids from air force bases in the Isaan region during the Vietnam War. Americans are still respected by Isaan/Thailand because of this.

As our team has met this month, we continue to discuss the challenge of sharing the gospel with a predominately oral learning / story-telling culture. Please pray that as we continue to prepare the wordless gospel skits, that our actions will be clearly understood. Please pray that God will prepare the hearts of those we will be with. Right now in the midst of much political angst, God has been harvesting many souls within this people.

One final note, thanks to God and His generous people, the funds I need have been provided. Thank you!