This afternoon we completed our second team meeting. Our focus in this meeting was on drama. Part of our work will include the Hope video. It will be in Thai and starts people from the beginning. Most Thai people, including the Isaan, have no concept of a creator God nor of sin which separates us from Him. So, part of the task in effectively communicating the gospel must start at the beginning. To further illustrate these truths, we will do short skits, with as few spoken words as possible to further drive home the main points of the video. We have to keep it simple and upbeat, and that shouldn't be a problem with this crew.
Our team consists of myself, my pastor (Guy), 3 women (Mary, Robin, and Rita), plus the couple (Larry & On) with whom our primary contact originates in this village. We had many laughs as we are being formed into a thespian crew... not. However, it is neat seeing how God has brought all these people of different ages and backgrounds together with a common goal... to reach the Isaan. It is in setting our sights on the same thing, that God is drawing our hearts together. Jesus prayed for His disciples and for us that we may be one. That is my prayer this month that God would continue to make us one. Please join me in this. Also, this past month has brought much rejoicing in how God continues to provide for mine and the others way. I have almost reached my target, and know God will supply our my needs according to His riches in Glory.